Our history and values
Ma Petite Planète is a not-for-profit organisation under the French law of 1901 that offers a series of ecological challenges to be enjoyed by friends, family, colleagues or classmates over a 3-week period.
Team & History
How was Ma Petite Planète born?
L’idée a émergé en juin 2019 lors de la canicule à Paris dans la tête de l’un des co-fondateurs (Clément Debosque). Avec le recul, on peut dire que Ma Petite Planète est née :
From a desire to act to help fight global warming. (the "greatest challenge in human history", I hear!)
From a frustration of not being able to raise awareness and get people around them, (friends-e-s and family in particular) to do the right eco-actions to preserve the planet as best as possible.
From a triple intuition:
- Use the leverage of play and competition to get messages across. Being "sanctimonious" and "dull" with your loved ones doesn't work!
- S’inspirer des codes qui ont fait la réussite du célèbre jeu de football sur app @Mon Petit Gazon, notamment le système de ligues ! (1,3 million de joueur•euse-s in France, including 650,000 working people-ve-s every week). The name MPP is a nod to MPG 😉
- To propose concrete actions in the form of challenges for MPP Players, similar to what the "Ça Commence Par Moi" movement proposes. The founder, Julien Vidal, is also the "godfather" of the Ma Petite Planète game.
En août 2019, lancement des 2 premières ligues MPP sous la forme d’un grand jeu écolo de l’été avec des ami•e-s for a month. People got into the game, the Messenger conversation took off and BONUS challenges were issued. Since this first experiment (which proved to be promising!), the project has been structured in association with 3 other co-founders-rice-s (Mathilde, Benoît, Christian), la mécanique de jeu s’est affinée, de nouvelles éditions ont été lancées et SURTOUT de nombreux contributeurs et contributrices ont rejoint l’aventure. 🙂
What is your mission?
The mission of the association is twofold:
- To offer a fun, turnkey game for anyone who wants to raise awareness about ecology. (#MPP Ambassador-rice-s)
- Raise awareness and get as many people as possible to take concrete action on the subject of ecology through everyday challenges (#MPP Players)
Nous souhaitons rendre l’écologie positive, dynamique et accessible au plus grand nombre, car la Planète est l’affaire de TOU-TE-S !
How does the association work?
Ma Petite Planète is an association under the French Law of 1901, recognised as being of general interest. The purpose of the association is to seek environmental impact through awareness and action of MPP Players for the protection of the environment.
In financial terms :
This associative status does not prevent the association from developing an economic model in order to sustain its impact. This is based on two main pillars:
- Setting up and running MPP leagues within companies We propose to companies and organisations to launch a dynamic around ecology and to accompany them in setting up and running the challenge as well as monitoring the impact of the challenges taken up by the employees.
- Donations to the association from MPP Players or others!
At the human resources level :
L’association est pensée comme une initiative ouverte à toutes et tous. Nous nous organisons sur un « Slack » (un outil qui ressemble à Teams) en interne, avec de nombreux canaux que chaque personne motivée peut rejoindre afin de contribuer, selon ses envies et le temps dont elle dispose ! Sur ce Slack, on retrouve à la fois les bénévoles, les co-fondateur•rice•s et la Team MPP à temps plein !
There are different paths of engagement and different levels of involvement possible for volunteers:
- Team Graine supports the association through its circle of friends and on social networks.
- Team Pousse contributes to existing projects.
- Team Bamboo is committed to new projects!
If you are interested, you will find more explanations here !
At the governance level :
Les co-fondateur•rice•s de l’association valident la direction stratégique à prendre afin de maximiser l’impact environnemental tout en ayant pour objectif de pérenniser l’association sur le long-terme. Les décisions opérationnelles sont prises en accord et bonne intelligence avec la Team MPP à temps plein. L’avis des bénévoles est souvent sollicité pour avoir une meilleure vue d’ensemble sur certains sujets.
Des assemblées générales sont organisées tous les ans, ces dernières sont par principe ouvertes à tout•e contributeur•rice.
Who is behind Team MPP? Who are the co-founders?
To find out, check out " The MPP team" We'll explain it all to you!
For your information, we are constantly recruiting new volunteers (we have plenty of missions available) but also people on internships and work experience! See the end of the Team MPP page 🙂
What is your long-term ambition?
- Have several million MPP Players in Europe in action by the end of 2024.
- To become the benchmark challenge in France and then in Europe on the transition to ecological action.
- To be in partnership with the National Education (MPP, offered as a module in several courses from kindergarten to high school).
- To become an essential team building challenge with an ecological impact for companies.