Together we go FURTHER

Why do we need partners?

To spread the word about our projects: We promote great projects which, in turn, help us find new League Ambassadors within their communities and increase our impact! We are in no way remunerated for referencing them.

How are they selected?

We select partners who, in our opinion, contribute to raising awareness, moving people into action or enhancing the skills of MPP Players to promote the ecological transition.

Seul on va MOINS vite, ensemble on va PLUS loin ! À tous et à toutes, un grand merci, on vous 💚 !

Would you like to discuss a partnership?



The challenge partners support the MPP Players in carrying out the challenges, making it easier for them to take action.

They bring their expertise to a challenge linked to their activity, thus increasing the environmental impact of the game!

"Being an MPP partner was a great opportunity for us to make even more citizens aware of solutions to protect the ocean. An experience we won't hesitate to repeat!"

Malaury Morin,
co-founder of Blutopia



Our event partners are listed in the calendar calendar Ecology Festival » lors de chaque édition.

It's a digital calendar that suggests workshops, conferences, games, and other types of events related to the topic of ecology (online or in-person). Those events can be, at the partner's option, free or charged.

"MPP and Pitch Climat...More than a partnership, it's the synergy of 2 interactive initiatives combining understanding and action at all levels! Thank you to the MPP team for their confidence!"

Sandra Sydow,
cofondatrice du Pitch Climat


« Ils nous soutiennent »

Some support us by sharing MPP's publications and news, allowing us to find our famous gems : the MPP ambassadors !

Others support or enable the funding of Ma Petite Planète to contribute to the development of the organization !

"With Captain Cause, we're committed to supporting positive, innovative solutions with high impact potential: a winning combo for Ma Planète, which has managed to tackle the subject of ecology with pep and humor, to appeal to young and old alike. We love it, and we're not the only ones, if their success on the platform since launch is anything to go by!"

Clara Pigé,
co-founder and COO of Captain Cause


Post-Édition en Entreprise

These partners support the companies that took part in MPP in their ecological transition, with a view to the assessment carried out at the end of the challenge. They follow up on areas for improvement identified during the challenge. They also suggest actions to be implemented over the long term.


Édition Scolaire

Our MPP Scolaire partners are selected for their ability to :

  • Taking action to preserve the planet
  • Relay the initiative on a large scale, and thus
  • The mobilization of large numbers of students
  • To communicate ecological values through their structures and missions









Lenaïg Corson
– Printemps 2024








Gaëtan and Ben
– Hiver 2024








Clarisse Cremer
– Automne 2023








Johanna and Nina
– Printemps 2023








Inès Moreau
– Hiver 2023








Johan Reboul
– Automne 2022








Eva Sadoun
– Printemps 2022








Arthur Auboeuf
– Hiver 2022


Laëtitia Guapo
– Printemps 2024

Alizon Defrance
– Automne 2023

Maximilian Schnell
– Édition spéciale Savoir Rouler
à Vélo 2023

Féris Barkat
– Printemps 2023

Ludovic Hubler
– Automne 2022

Sea Plastics
– Printemps 2022

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