Ma Petite Planète takes up the challenge
3 weeks of challenge mixing ecology and sport, pour construire des nouveaux récits de légende à la hauteur des enjeux écologiques & sociaux de notre siècle !


Being commited
in compliance with our identity
We keep playing our role of awareness to the great majority, These games are an unique opportunity
to commit the biggest number in the transition.

To gather
around common values
the sharing, the solidarity, the cooperation, the inclusiveness and love (of sport, of nature, of living)

To give
a central place to the ecology
Together let's take action to include the sustainability to this kind of events and build up new stories
to meet the challenges of our century
C’était du
27 mai au 17 juin
Vidéo récap de l’édition
Tu peux aussi la visionner :
Pour participer
Play with your surroundings
Get your buddies on board
Would you like to help your friends, family and neighbours make the ecological transition and beat them to the punch? Register on the app and invite them to challenge you!
If you're a bit lost, we have a webinar to guide you in your new role as ambassador, and even a video if you're shy:
Mets-toi en piste 🏃
Play with people who are as motivated as you are
Do you want to improve your green habits but don't have anyone to motivate?
Join an open league and play with complete strangers.
Play with your structure.
Launch the challenge in your organisation
Are you interested in guiding your organisation through a collective ecological transition?
Contact us to launch the challenge!
Not convinced yet?
Our partners
We select partners who, in our opinion, contribute to raising awareness, moving people into action or enhancing the skills of MPP Players to promote the ecological transition. We are in no way remunerated for listing them.
We have several categories of partnership: challenge, event, prize-giving and relay.
If you want to become our partner, please contact:
App personalities
App personalities
New sports personalities make their appearance on the app!
The Ecology Games are coming up on 27 May, and to mark the occasion we've put together a team of committed athletes for you to choose from for the next edition of the challenge!
Our athlete supporters
The sponsor of this edition

Lenaïg Corson
A former international player in the French rugby team, Lenaïg is our godmother for this year's Ecology Games!
Lenaïg recently founded the RugbyGirl Academiee to democratise women's rugby, using the values of sport and the game to raise participants' awareness of environmental issues.
(Re)discover @lena.corson in this short interview!