Chloe, teacher and MPP volunteer
photo by Sarah
- 30 June 2022

Chloe, teacher and MPP volunteer


Meet Chloé, MPP volunteer since summer 2021 and primary school teacher!

What made you decide to get involved?

I always paid attention to waste sorting, I had a few washable wipes to remove my make-up, but I was clearly not green, loving shopping, (organic) shampoos with a thousand and one scents and chocolate bars. What really got me involved in the green movement were my children. When I was finally pregnant with my first child, I had a 'panic attack' at 7 months. It was out of the question for me to put my baby in disposable nappies. So I convinced my husband to buy cloth nappies...and the rest came little by little: no plastic jars, washable wipes for baby too, second hand clothes for the whole family, then bulk shopping much more frequently, switching to an eco-friendly electricity supplier, etc. It's for them, for the planet we'll leave them that I "fight" every day.


Why did you become a teacher?

At first, because I didn't really know what to do. I loved children...and foreign languages. I was looking for a way to link the two. In fact, I worked for a few years in a bilingual German-English primary school, teaching children both languages. But my ecological commitment also extended to the school, still after the birth of my first child, and I had the immense pleasure of discovering that my "new" school was ecologically committed, in particular by having been awarded the label "École en Démarche de Développement Durable" (E3D). I became the (boring) ecology referent. I think I am exactly where I need to be, combining teaching and ecology. I love to link a fractions session with a dictation on the Amazon rainforest and the problems caused by mankind and then a lesson on Charlemagne.


Why did you participate in MPP?

In wanting to change my classroom practice, I swapped plastic materials for paper, cardboard and metal almost exclusively, but I felt that this was not enough. I started with some green reading, but that wasn't enough either, as it didn't change my students' practices. Then one day, my cousin participated in the mainstream version of MPP and of course mentioned me for the "pass on a name" challenge. She told me about it, but June means head-in-the-guideon-and-school-books for me. So I gave up...but then I looked into it a few weeks later. And it became obvious that I would participate! Taking a colleague along...then several!


What has MPP brought to you and your students?

It is a great personal satisfaction for me because I feel even more committed by being a volunteer with the association (at a complicated time in my short career, I had considered changing to a profession focused on ecology, but fortunately, I quickly found the pleasure of the classroom). I feel like I am combining my two convictions by being at school, by educating the future generation about ecology. As for my students, I feel they are very involved. Some of them bring me back readings on ecology. One student asked me for a frame to make a tawashi at home. They really like this challenge and are happy to participate for the second time. I also really like the bonds that are formed between them during the class challenges. For me, these challenge weeks are a bit special, as if we were going on a school trip, but in class. We change our habits a bit, it's good for everyone.


What is your next ecological challenge?

Professionally, to get more colleagues on board with the challenge, by becoming, why not, the ecological referent for several schools. Personally... stop using toilet paper for wipes! I've managed to convince my beloved, we just need to get started! Baby number 2 is finally clean - no more nappies! - and we have a bunch of useless wipes waiting for a second life!

Thank you Chloe 🌞 See you soon for a new portrait!


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